Posts Tagged ‘publication’

Focusing: The Big Picture

September 30, 2009

I’m breaking from novel progress reporting to discuss a topic that affects all writers at one time or another.


The greatest strengths a writer can contain. Without focus, a writer has nothing but daydreams and visions. It takes focus to grab those creative thoughts and transfer them into words, then to edit those initial words into a clear and concise story. And finally, to push the finished product towards publication.

This entry will be on the big picture focus. Every writer as a lifetime goal – to be a published author. This may vary on level, ranging from small potatoes to the big time. But it’s there, in the back of every writer’s mind. “I want to be published.”

It’s a great and lofty goal, however, reality has to reach us at some point. To achieve this goal, you have to find the story, write the story, then finish the story.

For me, the tactic was to break down that life goal of publication into manageable milestones and tasks. Yes, I’ve approached this as a project manager. I am a project manager in my day job, so it’s allowed.

The following is the methodology I suggest to you.

First, break up your lifetime goal into incremental milestones. It could be year, two, or five year increments…you’re the boss here. At those milestone points outline a statement of where you want to be in your writing career. Example: In two years, I want to be published in at least one magazine and two anthologies.

Second, break your milestones into actual activities and tasks. This could include blocking writing time, completing grammar or other educational courses, and/or the research and industry knowledge you’ll need to gain.

Now, from this point, you can break it down as far as you need. There are times when my workload gets so heavy, I have to pause and actually define daily goals until I get back on track.

Okay, so you’re ready to try this. Where to start? Two options: paper or pc.

Below are several great articles on focus.

How to Focus on the Task at Hand

How to Focus: Five Levels of Mental Focus You Might Not be Aware of  

How to Focus

First Post

September 16, 2009

Hey! First official post for my writing blog. As many of you know, I have a family blog, The Norris Ranch, which I use to track the wonderful and chaotic life with my hubby and three kids.

This blog is just for my creative juices and brainstorming thoughts. Most important, it’s a record of my adventure through the path of my writing career.

It didn’t really hit me that I needed a special place to post my journey. Not until I got my first publication. Posting this honor on the family blog seemed a little out of place, as I try and keep that a group journey.

Well, after all the hard work, I finally got my first publication. As a double-whammy, it’s with one of my favorite webzines.

‘Butterfly Cocoon’ is available to read in the September issue of Aphelion.  Below is a summary of the story, as written by Aphelion short story editor, Robert Moriyama.

“Marie Hadner’s life as a law enforcement officer on the isolated space colony was tedious beyond belief, one trivial incident after another blown out of proportion by people as bored as she was. Then the comet — at least it looked like a comet — parked itself nearby, and people began to disappear.”

I hope you enjoy it, and please feel free to comment in the Aphelion forum.